name: JP Barber
school: Forsan High School
my favorite websites are:
my current favorite song: Summersong, Wavorly
the first person i had a crush on was: Courtney Blair
the magazines that i secrely love are: Cycling
the last meal i made was: Breakfast Burritos!
my biggest accomplishment in high school so far: Going to regional cross country all four years & winning state in band.
my dream job is: being a youth pastor
an unusual talent that i have is:
i couldn't speak when i met:
my favorite things in my closet are: My v-neck T’s
the 2 most important things in a great friendship: Honesty & Trustworthy
in 10 years i see myself: as a youth pastor
i'm excited about having my senior portraits done at H GALLERY because (shameless plug!): Because I have seen the pictures from here and they are good. Its different from others at my school.
i'm most nervous about my senior year because: being on my own without mom & dad.
the top 3 things i'm looking forward to for senior year are: senior skip day & graduating!
my most embarrassing moment: tripping and falling during a tennis match.
senior year is such a big deal because: I will never be with the same people ever again.
3 things no one knows about me: