Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Senior Spotlight 2010!

Name: Sara Branch

School: Caprock High School

My favorite websites are: Facebook & Myspace

My current favorite song: Drop the world - Lil Wayne

The first person I had a crush on was: Devon Heredia

The magazines that I secretly love are: Seventeen

The last meal I made was: Noodles

My biggest accomplishment in high school so far: 1st team all district basketball

My dream job: Undercover

My favorite things in my closet are: Basketball shoes & heels!

The 2 most important things in a great friendship: Trust & Loyalty

In 10 years I see myself: Coaching Basketball

I'm excited about having my senior portraits done at H Gallery because: They are very creative and super fun!

I'm most nervous about my senior year because: It's over

The top 3 things I'm looking forward to for senior year are: Basketball, graduation party & Cancun senior trip!

My most embarrassing moment: When my friend tripped me at a softball game

Senior year is such a big deal because: I'm the oldest graduating

3 things no one knows about me: I like feet, I love makeup, & I'm emotional

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